Learn About Mountaintop Removal
The Delaware Chapter of the Sierra Club has invited a leading Appalachian environmentalist to speak to its annual membership meeting tomorrow:
Last month I used this new Google app to track the connection between the Edge Moor coal plant, located on Hay Road in Wilmington and operated by Conectiv Energy Supply, and its coal supplier, MAC #68 in West Virgina. MAC #68 is located near the communities of Ragland and Sara Ann.
The Sierra Club meeting is from noon to three at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Newark, 420 Willa Road, Newark.
Mary Anne Hitt is the executive director of Appalachian Voices, a nonprofit organization that brings people together to solve the environmental problems having the greatest impact on the central and southern Appalachian Mountains. The organization works with communities across Appalachia to tackle two major causes of climate change: mountaintop removal coal mining and the construction of new coal-fired power plants. Their online campaign iLoveMountains.org uses Google Earth to lift the cloak of secrecy that has allowed coal companies to flatten almost 1 million acres, destroy 474 mountains, and bury over 1,000 miles of streams, devastating local communities in one of the world's biodiversity hotspots.Appalachia may seem far away, but iLoveMountains.org brings it closer:

The Sierra Club meeting is from noon to three at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Newark, 420 Willa Road, Newark.
All three Delaware power companies buy coal from mountaintop mining - For example, Constellation owns a power plant (Brandon Shores) that buys coal from the mines around Sylvester WV. Constellation sells power to Rep. Gerald Hocker and Lewes DE. Here's what a Sylvester WV resident would like to say to each of you:
"For the past 8 years, life has been a living Hell." - Pauline Canterberry, resident of Sylvester, WV Why? Scroll down:
"In 1998, a coal processing plant was built in the community, despite the fact that 75% of residents signed a petition opposing the permit for the facility. A mountaintop removal operation that removed a nearby ridge then allowed the coal dust from the plant to blow directly into the community. Now homes are frequently covered inside and out with coal dust, the same coal dust that causes the infamous black lung disease suffered by coal miners."
Sounds a lot like Bluewater Wind, supported by 94% of Delawareans, losing out to four Senators supported by Delmarva Power.
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