Is Obama a Jihadist Vegetarian?

Despite his denials, rumors and e-mails circulating on the Internet continue to allege...It is not until paragraph 12 that he mentions the denial again:
Obama aides sharply disputed the initial stories suggesting that he was a Muslim, and in Iowa, the campaign keeps a letter at its offices, signed by five members of the local clergy, vouching for the candidate's Christian faith.Nowhere in the article, featured on page A1, does Bacon point out that there is no factual foundation to the rumors.
Would it have been so difficult to report that the rumors are simply wrong? Would it have been so difficult to say that the word rumors is simply a euphemism for lies?
Obama recounts how he became a committed Christian in his memoirs. He has attended the same church, Trinity United Church of Christ, for most of his adult life. It seems to me that if a person attends church week after week, year after year, the question ought to be settled. Obama should no more have to deny he's a Muslim than Mitt Romney should have to deny he's a Rastafarian.