Sunday, September 30, 2007

TommyWonk Podcasts Up at WDEL

I've had a number of loyal readers ask if podcasts of my segments with Allan Loudell are available as podcasts. The answer is yes; WDEL keeps podcasts of recent interviews up for several weeks.
I spent a few minutes reviewing them and learned that I've been on with Allan as much as anyone over the last three weeks. I must be an easy get.
I also learned that I say "um" more often than I realized. (But then Terry Gross says "um" a lot as well.) Listening back, the monosyllable hangs in my ear as if in bold, capital letters. Which is one reason why I prefer the, um, written word to the spoken.
A review of Allan's recent segments confirms his ability to talk intelligently to anybody about any subject, which is one reason I enjoy the segments I've done with him. Thanks, Allan.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think positive. Instead of an "easy get"; think more in line with one of his "more informed" "gets".

As for help with the "um", here is old advice, that hearkens back to the golden years of radio.

To break the habit, pick an innocuous four syllable word (mine was black-raspberries) and insert that whenever you briefly pause to think while speaking.(black-raspberries) Remarkably, the brain automatically questions it, giving your "speech center" time to veto it, (black-raspberries) before it goes out on the air.

If you start with a script (black-raspberries), write those words in several times, and the effect will continue, (black-raspberries), when you go "off script" for the Q & A session.

Just some old advice, once lost, now found. Hope it helps for all. Will be listening.........

8:03 AM, October 01, 2007  
Blogger Tom Noyes said...

Interesting advice re the rasberries.


8:17 AM, October 01, 2007  

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