Monday, February 19, 2007

"The Economic and Civil Rights Issue of Our Generation"

That is how the Vision 2015 report describes the achievement gap in Delaware's schools. But the News Journal reports that the Christina School District plans to close not one but two schools in Wilmington:
In January, the school district announced plans to close Elbert-Palmer Intermediate in Southbridge as early as next year and Stubbs Intermediate on the East Side some time after that, district spokeswoman Wendy Lapham said.
Where is the sense of mission? We know there is an achievement gap for minority students. The numbers are even worse for families in the neighborhoods surrounding the two schools. Vision 2015 and the Wilmington Hope Commission have been organized by our best public and private sector leaders to address this gap. But instead of directing more resources to those who need public education the most, the school district is closing two city schools and spending money to open a new suburban school:
The district's proposal calls for resuming preparations to open Astro Middle School in Bear.
Christina Superintendent Lillian M. Lowery said Friday that she will be interested in hearing any alternatives, but flatly said they better include additional money sources.
"I'm just being honest -- we don't have the money to do many of the things we're being asked to do," she said. "I'm not going to make any promises I can't keep to quiet any voice. I can't do that, because in the long run it will disappoint the community."
A school is not a cost center; it is the necessary vehicle for accomplishing the district's mission. At a time when our most committed civic leaders are searching for solutions to the achievement gap, the Christina School District seems to have just given up.
Graphic: Vision 2015


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a travesty that HAS TO STOP. I hear that with the school closing, the kids from Southbridge will all have to walk over the bridge to the eastside to get to classrooms.
Other tales are that some city kids now will have to be bussed their entire 13 years in.
The huge influx of Bear-Glasgow residents in the last 15 years has created a MONSTER district that cannot support itself with the UNFUNDED MANDATES out of Dover.
We have to insist that some portion of the District be given over to Colonial or somehow an equitable solution to take the heat off of this one overburdened area.

Shame on leadership which has led us to this end. County granting BUILD OUT as is that is doable.
State granting whatever the county entertains by developers no matter what roads et al fall into untenable loggerheads.

11:59 PM, February 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

as if it is doable rather.

12:00 AM, February 20, 2007  

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