Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Developer's Lawsuit Gets SLAPPed Down

The News Journal reports that a developer’s SLAPP (Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation) suit didn’t fare well in Chancery Court:
Vice Chancellor Leo Strine said developer Stephen Nichols failed to prove that negative comments made about him by members of the Barczewski family undermined his plans to buy the 236-acre parcel and build a mix of housing and retail. The farm has been the focus of debate over its historical value.
Nancy at The Delaware Way, who has been active in the Friends of Historic Glasgow, describes Strine as “an odd duck.” He’s been called worse, which may explain his lack of sympathy for Nichols:
"Things get said about you that are not nice, and it kind of comes with the territory" of being in the public eye, Strine said. "The good thing about being a developer is you can go look at your bank statements."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I told Angie Basiouny that the quote about the bank accounts would be the water-cooler chat at every law firm in the city.

I am getting a transcript of the decision ASAP and so I can tell you that Strine's comments on the bank account were linked to the many times that Frank Acierno had sat in front of him and took comfort in his cash to salve the sting of slurs upon his character.

9:53 AM, February 08, 2007  

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