Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Tommywonk and Inga Saffron on the Late Jane Jacobs

After posting on the death of Jane Jacobs, I checked in on Philadelphia Inquirer architecture critic Inga Saffron's blog Skyline Online and experienced an eerie moment of harmonic convergence.
Here's my post on Jane Jacobs:
Inga Saffron evidently uses the same blog template that I adapted for tommywonk. She also used the same photo for her heartfelt post on Jacobs:
Eerie convergence or evidence of shared good taste? You decide.
By the way, this coincidence prompted me to do what I have intended to do for some time, which is create a link to Skyline Online.
I crossed paths with Inga a few time when I worked in Northern Liberties. Philadelphia is fortunate to have an architecture critic who places herself so squarely in the Jacobsian tradition.


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